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Doctors and Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly dentists and staff who make Family Dental Clinic the leading provider of oral hygiene and personalized dental services in Minneapolis.

Julie Clouse, D.D.S.

Dr. Julie Clouse joined Family Dental Clinic in January of 2010 when Dr. Rick Sorenson retired. She was born and raised in Rochester, Minnesota. She completed her undergraduate studies magna cum laude from St. Olaf College in 2000. Though her major was biology, she especially enjoyed her studio art coursework. It was one of her ceramics professors who suggested that Julie should think about dentistry as a way to use both her hands and her mind. Taking his advice, she was accepted into the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry and graduated in 2004. Dr. Julie then completed a General Practice Residency at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center. Following her residency, Dr. Julie spent five years as the dental director at the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux community before joining private practice.

Professionally, Dr. Julie is a member of the American Dental Association, Minnesota Dental Association, and Minneapolis District Dental Society. She is very active in the Minnesota Dental Association and has held several leadership level positions. She is a member of a SPEAR study club and enjoys challenging multidisciplinary dental cases. She has also participated in several dental outreach missions in Honduras and volunteers with Give Kids a Smile and Donated Dental Services. Dr. Julie values the close interpersonal relationships that she develops with her patients and is passionate about helping everyone obtain their individual optimal level of oral health. She especially enjoys oral surgery, making dentures, and complex treatment planning.

In her free time, Dr. Julie enjoys spending time with her family and friends. She is an avid Minnesota Twins fan and she tries to visit a new major league ballpark every year. They enjoy beach vacations and visiting National Parks. She likes to relax at their lake house and go boating with her family. She loves reading and especially likes historical fiction. She lives in New Brighton with her dentist husband Dr. Ryan Clouse, and their two children, Adele and Leo.

Andrea Newton, D.D.S.

Dr. Andrea Newton grew up in Aberdeen, South Dakota, and moved to Minnesota in 1994 to attend the University of Minnesota. She joined Family Dental Clinic in 2002 after graduating from the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry.

Dr. Newton is a member of the American Dental Association, Minnesota Dental Association, and Minneapolis District Dental Society. She is active in the ADA’s Give Kids a Smile Program and has volunteered many hours of donated dental care and clinic time to underserved communities over the last decade. She finds the most rewarding part of being a dentist is being able to see families grow over the years. She takes pride in knowing that she has helped to improve the health of everyone she sees. Dr. Newton especially enjoys endodontics, implant restorations, and restorative dentistry. Her experience as a mother has helped her to perfect her skills when working with her youngest patients. She loves seeing patients walk out of the clinic with beautiful smiles.

Dr. Newton has devoted many hours to the study of Forensic Odontology. She works closely with the Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s Office by sharing her expertise when human remains need dental identification. She also heads the Dental Response Team, which is a team of dentists organized and trained to assist in crisis and mass casualty situations. Dr. Newton’s compassion for assisting families experiencing grief or crisis situations makes her an empathetic and caring public servant.

Dr. Newton is an avid gardener, a Minnesota sports fan, and attends many cultural events around the city. Her two children, Lara and Alex, keep her busy with their athletic teams and she often volunteers to help with their field trips and activities. Dr. Newton, her husband Skip, and their children, and three cats reside in Eagan.